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Jayanagar, Bengaluru

Ablation of liver Tumors

Liver tumors are a challenging problem in oncology. Surgery, chemotherapy, interventional radiology and radiation therapy are all modalities used to treat liver cancer. Interest in using minimally invasive methods, like ablation, to target liver tumors has...

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Achalasia card

Achalasia card

Achalasia cardia is an uncommon condition affecting the esophagus where the lower esophageal valve fails to relax and normal propulsive movements of the esophagus are absent. As a consequence, individuals experience difficulty swallowing, the involuntary return...

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Types of Pancreatic

Types of Pancreatic Surgery

An essential component of the digestive system is the pancreas. It serves two primary purposes. Digestion occurs through the production of pancreatic enzymes, and glucose homeostasis occurs through the balanced production of the hormones insulin and...

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Alarm Symptoms of GI

Some of the primary alarm symptoms that Dr. Srikanth Gadiyaram, who has been treating patients for more than 20 years, warns his patients to look out for and encourages them to seek a comprehensive check-up if...

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Gallstones during pregnancy

Pregnant women can develop gallstones, along with morning sickness, stretch marks, and swollen feet. Preventive measures reduce pregnancy side effects. Dr. Srikanth Gadiyaram, with 20+ years of experience, says pregnant women are at higher risk due...

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Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcers develop on the stomach and upper small intestine mucous membrane. A stomach ulcer is a lesion that develops in the lining of the stomach, leading to an open sore. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme...

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Robotic surgery for colorectal cancer

Robotic surgery has revolutionized minimally invasive surgery to provide ease, precision, and organ preservation and is both patient and surgeon-friendly. Robotic resections for colorectal cancer are becoming the new norm in many colorectal surgery facilities worldwide....

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Rectal Cancer

Rectal Cancer The incidence of Rectal cancer is increasing in our country. Rectal cancer and colon cancer are often grouped and called colorectal cancer. Rectal and colon cancers have similar characteristics, but their treatments differ greatly....

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Hernia Surgery

What is Hernia? When contents of a cavity (eg, abdominal cavity) protrude through a weak area (in the abdominal wall), the result is a hernia. Is Hernia Surgery necessary? Hernias have the potential to enlarge and...

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Bariatric Surgery

Is Bariatric Surgery the only assured weight loss strategy in Morbid Obesity?  Weight Loss surgery Weight loss Surgery is Also known as Bariatric Surgery. To help you lose weight, this procedure includes making adjustments to your...

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GERD, or chronic acid reflux, is when stomach acid moves backward into the esophagus. It happens when the lower esophageal sphincter doesn’t close, allowing stomach acid to enter the esophagus. Acid reflux and heartburn are normal...

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Liver Tumors

Liver Tumors

The liver helps in breaking down and storing nutrients produces clotting factors, and metabolizes alcohol, drugs, and toxins. Liver tumors are abnormal growths in the liver. Benign tumors can cause health problems and Malignant tumors in...

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Abdominal wall reconstruction

Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

Abdominal wall reconstruction surgery is a complex surgical technique to address a weakened or damaged abdominal muscle. This procedure aims to restore the normal function of the abdominal wall by strengthening it. The procedure is commonly...

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Pancreatic Tumor

The pancreas is located behind the stomach. It has a fish-like shape with a broad head, a narrow body, and a pointed tail. The pancreas is behind the stomach. The pancreatic head is on the right...

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An Esophagectomy is a surgery done for esophageal cancer to remove the esophagus (food pipe). This surgery restores eating ability by removing damaged tissue and reconstructing the digestive system. Surgeons can remove the esophagus and nearby lymph nodes...

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Acid Reflux Surgery

It is a surgical treatment where a surgeon accesses the body’s interior components through the skin. The surgeon will make one large incision in the abdomen. A catheter may be inserted into the abdomen to stabilize...

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Jaundice is a condition in which skin color turns yellowish. It happens when an excess amount of bilirubin circulating in the blood dissolves in the subcutaneous fat i.e., the layer just beneath your skin. This causes...

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Robotic Surgery

How has Robotic Surgery transformed abdominal surgery? Numerous abdominal operations are now performed utilizing robots as a result of the quick adoption of new surgical technology and the high expectations of both patients and the general...

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Jayanagar, Bengaluru