Gallstones can cause infection in the gallbladder. Patients with acute cholecystitis (gallbladder infection) present with severe upper abdominal pain on the right side. It can be associated with pain in the right shoulder, vomiting, and fever. Diagnosis is usually made when the doctor examines and finds tenderness in the gallbladder region and gets an ultrasound scan of the abdomen. Blood tests reveal an increase in infection parameters (raised white blood cell count, increased neutrophils) and liver function derangements. These patients may require additional scans to rule out bile duct stones, gallbladder perforation, etc. Patients would be advised admission and treatment with antibiotics. After assessing fitness for undergoing surgery under anesthesia, you would need to undergo an emergency gallbladder removal surgery. This surgery is done laparoscopically, and recovery is usually rapid. It is now generally agreed to avoid just treating with antibiotics with a plan to ‘cool things off’ and plan surgery later. The concern with delay is the greater difficulty in laparoscopic operation should pain recur within one to two weeks later. In some very sick patients who are unfit for general anesthesia with gallbladder infection, your doctor might advise tube drainage of infected fluid (percutaneous cholecystostomy) and management in the intensive care unit. The gallbladder surgery by deferred to several days or weeks until the patient is in a better condition to undergo the operation.
Gallbladder stone surgery in Jayanagar
Twenty-five percent of patients with a history of pain because of gallstones present with acute cholecystitis (gallbladder infection), Dr SrikanthGadiyaram explained. The laparoscopic operation is difficult in these patients when compared to those without infection. The infection may result in a fuzzy operative field because of fat (omentum), and intestines stuck to the gallbladder. Also, there is a distortion of normal anatomy. The risk of bile duct injury is slightly higher in these patients. At Sahasra Hospitals Jayanagar, we ensure the safety of these patients by routine use of fluorescence guidance during laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. This technology specifically improves the identification of the bile duct and prevents any injury to it and ensures a safe cholecystectomy. It is important to note that this technology is offered with no increase in gallbladder surgery cost. Fluorescence guidance helps the surgeon see better, avoid injuries, and safety of gallstone surgery.
Dr. Srikanth Gadiyaram is a renowned surgical gastroenterologist in Bangalore. He is an advanced laparoscopic and robotic surgeon with over two decades of experience and over 12,000 surgeries. He has done pioneering work in fluorescence guidance gallbladder surgery and has related publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. SrikanthGadiyaram is currently the Director and Chief surgical gastroenterologist at Sahasra Hospitals, Jayanagar, Bangalore. Looking for the best Gallbladder stone surgery in Jayanagar? Then visit us today. He is the best gallbladder stone surgeon in Bangalore.
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