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Keyhole Gallbladder Surgery

Keyhole Gallbladder Surgery

Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Cholecystectomy Surgery is a prevalent procedure for the removal of the gallbladder.

 What does my gallbladder do? 

Gallbladder is a peer shaped organ under the liver in the upper abdomen while 800 ml of bile from the liver is carried to the intestine through the bile duct. Gallbladder is attached to this duct. It contains 20 to 30 ML of bile. Removal of gallbladder is advised when there are gallstones and associated problems, and this is not associated with major loss of function.

When do you need gallbladder surgery? 

Patients who have gallstones and associated symptoms of pain? Jaundice infection are advised to undergo gallbladder surgery in asymptomatic patients who have a family history of gallbladder cancer, those who have a porcelain gallbladder, are on immunosuppression medications and those undergoing another abdominal operation are also advised to undergo gallbladder surgery. The rest of the patients could be kept under followup and Surgery can be done when symptoms appear.

What is Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Cholecystectomy Surgery?

The most commonly performed abdominal surgery is Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Cholecystectomy Surgery for gallbladder removal.

This procedure is done by making 4 small incisions of 1.5cm or less in your abdomen/stomach area.

–       Camera is passed through the umbilical port to visualise inside of the abdomen.

–       The two incisions with ports (channels to pass instruments) are for the instruments to hold, dissect and move the gallbladder. The fourth port is used by assisting surgeon to manipulate and give traction on the gallbladder that helps the surgeon to perform the operation.

–       And gallbladder is removed from one of the incisions with the help of the specialized instrument

Why Should I opt for Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Cholecystectomy Surgery?

Laparoscopic removal of gallbladder surgery is now the gold standard operation that helps faster recovery from surgery. There is lesser pain and fewer wound infections when compared to open surgery. The question that seems appropriate is when is open surgery required? It may be required in a minority of patients where difficulty is faced during laparoscopic operation and this is typically in less than 5% of patients. When gallbladder cancer is suspected, an open operation is generally advised. 

Dr.Srikanth Gadiyaram, at Sahasra Hospitals, has performed more than 15,000+ laparoscopic surgeries in his 20+ years of experience. This is the most regularly performed gallbladder surgery at Sahasra Hospitals, Jayanagar. Our centre is unique in that safety of the procedure is enhanced because of state of the art laparoscopic high definition laparoscopic systems and routine use of ‘Fluorescence guidance technology’ during this procedure.

You will be given general anaesthesia which means you will be asleep during the procedure

The whole procedure can take from around 30-60 minutes..

Our healthcare team will be there with to observe you for an hour in the postoperative recovery following which you would be shifted to your room. You would be periodically monitored over the next several hours. You would be mobilised out of the bed four hours after surgery and also allowed to take oral liquids at this time. 

Benefits of Keyhole surgery

–       Less pain

–       Lesser complication

–       Minimal surgical scars

–       Quick recovery

–       Can get back to regular activities soon

What to Expect After Surgery?

In the first few hours after you wake up you might feel a little bit of discomfort, pain, and nausea. But don’t worry our team will be there with you. You will be given medications to help you control your pain and other symptoms. Depending upon your progress, you will be allowed to go home on the same day or the next day.

Once you go home, you could engage in regular physical activity and a regular diet while avoiding rich (fried) foods. 

Life without Gallbladder.

You lead a very normal life after gallbladder removal. At your one week follow up with your doctor your wounds will be checked. Subsequent follow-ups is generally need based.

Dr Srikanth Gadiyaram is a renowned surgical gastroenterologist in Bangalore. He is an advanced laparoscopic and robotic surgeon with over two decades of experience and over 15,000 laparoscopic surgeries. He has done pioneering work in fluorescence guidance gallbladder surgery and has related publications in international peer reviewed journals.

For more information or to book your appointment with Dr.Srikanth Gadiyaram contact us at 9880105829.


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