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Colovesical fistula treatment in Bangalore/Sahasra Hospitals Jayanagar/Diverticulitis/Crohn’s disease

Colovesical fistula treatment in Bangalore/Sahasra Hospitals Jayanagar/Diverticulitis/Crohn’s disease

Fistula treatment in Bangalore

Fistula treatment in Bangalore

Technological progress has made surgery safer. The image shows how the ureter (the urinary tube carrying urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder) lights up green and guides the surgeon in complex colorectal (large intestine) surgery. In patients with colonic diverticulitis, the affected bowel may be stuck to the urinary system. This is a problem seen in large colorectal tumors too. Safe surgery would require meticulous separation of the diseased portions without injuring the ureter (urinary tube) to avoid ureteric injury resulting in urinary leakage as a complication. ICG fluorescence guidance helps in these difficult situations to identify and preserve the ureter.

We use ICG fluorescence guidance in colorectal surgery to ensure the safety of our procedure and have better outcomes Dr SrikanthGadiyaram, said. It’s the difference in driving your car with and without a high beam on the highway on a dark night, he explained.

Surgical Gastroenterologist in Bangalore

  • Dr. SrikanthGadiyaram is a renowned surgical gastroenterologist in Bangalore. He is an advanced laparoscopic and robotic surgeon with over two decades of experience and over 12,000 surgeries. He had several articles published in reputed international peer-reviewed journals. Below is an article related to ICG-Fluorescence ureterographic guidance in complex colorectal surgery.
  • DOI: 10.31487/j.SCR.2022.07.05

Dr. SrikanthGadiyaram is currently the Director and Chief surgical gastroenterologist at Sahasra Hospitals, Jayanagar, Bangalore. Looking for the best fistula treatment in Bangalore? Then visit him today.

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